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Performance Spiral Wacoal Art Center Tokyo, Japan, VB 37 by 
																	Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecroft

( American, 1969 )

Performance Spiral Wacoal Art Center Tokyo, Japan, VB 37




Vibracolor print

Size Notes:

101 x 136 cm.


la date et le numro d'dition '1/3' (dos du cadre), image : 101 x 136 cm. , feuille : 120 x 153 cm., Ralise en 1999, cette uvre est le numro un dune dition de trois exemplaires. , , Vibracolor print, gallery label with title, date and edition number '1/3' (frame backing board), image: 39 3/4 x 53 1/2 in., sheet: 47 1/4 x 60 1/4 in., Executed in 1999, this work is number one from an edition of three., ProvenanceGalerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris, Acquis auprs de celle-ci par le propritaire actuelSpecial notice Artist's Resale Right ('droit de Suite').If the Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer also agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist's collection agent. This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collectiondetails.Post lot textVanessa Beecroft est une artiste de performance prsente sur la scne internationale depuis le dbut des annes 1990. Son travail prend le corps humain la fois pour objet et pour medium, le prsentant sur scne en tant que sculpture vivante qui oscille entre le vtu et le nu, lindividu et le groupe. Ce faisant, elle questionne la dimensions symbolique et identitaire du corps (en particulier du corps fminin) et les modes de reprsentation qui lui sont assigns par la socit de consommation. Sa vision singulire des corps donnera naissance de nombreuses collaborations sur des dfils de mode ; lartiste travaillera notamment avec Kanye West et des marques de luxe comme Louis Vuitton. En 1998, Beecroft orchestre une performance au sein du muse Salomon Guggenheim New York; on la retrouve aussi la Galerie Gagosian de Los Angeles et de Londres dans les annes 2000, et elle participe la 47me et 56me Biennales de Venise., , Vanessa Beecroft is a performance artist who has been active internationally since the early 1990s. Her work takes the human body as both object and medium, presenting it on stage as a living sculpture that oscillates between the clothed and the naked, the individual and the group. In doing so, she questions the symbolic and identity dimensions of the body (particularly the female body) and the modes of representation assigned to it by consumer society. Her singular vision of the body has given rise to numerous collaborations on fashion shows; the artist has worked with Kanye West and luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton. In 1998, Beecroft orchestrated a performance at the Salomon Guggenheim Museum in New York; she was also displayed at the Gagosian Gallery in Los Angeles and London in the 2000s, and took part in the 47th and 56th Venice Biennale




signed to it by consumer society. Her singular vision of the body has given rise to numerous collaborations on fashion shows; the artist has worked with Kanye West and luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton. In 1998


Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, ParisAcquis auprs de celle-ci par le propritaire actuel



Max Beckmann

(German , b. 1884 - d. 1950)


Fernando Botero

( Colombian , b. 1932 )


Piero Manzoni

( Italian , b. 1933 - d. 1963 )



( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


Pieter Brueghel

(Flemish , b. 1564 - d. 1637)


Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

( French , b. 1796 - d. 1875 )


Pablo Picasso

( Spanish , b. 1881 - d. 1973 )


Andy Warhol

( American , b. 1928 - d. 1987 )