Smoky opal glass
11.81 in. (30.00 cm.) (height) by 15.75 in. (40.00 cm.) (width)
edition of 3
literature, Rony Plesl, Rony Plesl, Prague, Prague, 2016, 2016, pic. no. 64, pic. no. 64, 65 – color versions of the vase, 65 – color versions of the vase, Rony Plesl first studied at the Glassmaking Secondary School in Železný Brod, Rony Plesl first studied at the Glassmaking Secondary School in Železný Brod, and later at the studios of prof. Harcuba and prof. Novák at the AAAD in Prague, and later at the studios of prof. Harcuba and prof. Novák at the AAAD in Prague, graduating in 1990. The author is also a teacher, graduating in 1990. The author is also a teacher, designer and freelance artist. Since 2008 he has been the head of the Glass Studio at the AAAD in Prague. As a designer, designer and freelance artist. Since 2008 he has been the head of the Glass Studio at the AAAD in Prague. As a designer, he worked with many world-renowned brands, he worked with many world-renowned brands, such as Cartier, such as Cartier, Barovier&Toso, Barovier&Toso, Moser, Moser, Preciosa and Rückl. His designs have received many awards from around the world. In his freelance work, Preciosa and Rückl. His designs have received many awards from around the world. In his freelance work, he focuses on luxury cut vases, he focuses on luxury cut vases, drinking glasses, drinking glasses, and, and, most recently, most recently, fused sculptures. He uses traditional glassmaking methods, fused sculptures. He uses traditional glassmaking methods, which he combines in an original way. Thus, which he combines in an original way. Thus, the works gain new expressive and contextual meanings., the works gain new expressive and contextual meanings