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Sans titre (zbres) by 
																	Paola Pivi

Paola Pivi

( Italian, 1971 )

Sans titre (zbres)




chromogenic print, mounted on Dibond

Size Notes:

139 x 167 cm.


la date et le numro d'dition '4/5 + 2 AP' accompagnant l'uvre, image/feuille/montage : 139 x 167 cm., Ralise en 2003, cette uvre est le numro quatre dune dition de cinq exemplaires et deux preuves d'artiste., , chromogenic print, flush-mounted on Dibond, signed in ink on gallery label with title, date and edition number '4/5 + 2 AP' accompanying the work, image/sheet/mount: 54 3/4 x 65 3/4 in., Executed in 2003, this work is number four from an edition of five and two artist's proofs., ProvenanceGalerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, Acquis auprs de celle-ci en 2004Special notice Artist's Resale Right ('droit de Suite').If the Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer also agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist's collection agent. This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collectiondetails.Post lot textMultidisciplinaire, Paola Pivi mle dans ses uvres des objets, des animaux et des figures quelle replace dans des environnements peu familiers et volontiers incongrus. Afin dinviter le spectateur adopter un nouveau regard sur la nature des sujets quelle place au centre de ses uvres, lartiste nhsite pas traiter les animaux comme des sujets humains, linstar de cette uvre reprsentant des zbres en pleine montagne, tels un couple posant pour une photographie souvenir. Dans cet univers fig et glac, la figure du zbre semble humaniser la scne avec douceur et nostalgie. Le travail de Paola Pivi trouve une vaste rsonnance internationale, limage des nombreuses expositions personnelles au cours desquelles elle a t expose aux tats-Unis, en France, en Italie, au Danemark, aux Pays-Bas, en Australie, en Chine ou encore au Royaume-Uni. Paola Pivi a par ailleurs reu un Lion dOr la Biennale de Venise en 1999., ?, ?Paola Pivi is a multidisciplinary artist who combines objects, animals and figures in her works, which she places in unfamiliar and often incongruous environments. In order to invite the viewer to take a new look at the nature of the subjects at the centre of her works, the artist does not hesitate to treat animals as human subjects, as in this work representing zebras in the middle of a mountain, like a couple posing for a souvenir photograph. In this frozen and icy universe, the figure of the zebra seems to humanise the scene with sweetness and nostalgia. Paola Pivi's work has a wide international resonance, as evidenced by the numerous solo exhibitions in which she has been shown in the United States, France, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, China and the UK. Paola Pivi was awarded a Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 1999




signed in ink on gallery label with title


Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, ParisAcquis auprs de celle-ci en 2004



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( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


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