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Automobile In Corsa by 
																	Giacomo Balla

Giacomo Balla

( Italian, 1871 - 1958 )

Automobile In Corsa




oil and ink on paper laid down on board


29.13 in. (74.00 cm.) (height) by 40.94 in. (104.00 cm.) (width)


Signed Futur Balla (lower left); signed Futur Balla and titled on the reverse


Naples, Prima espozione di pittura futirista. Boccioni-Carrà-Russolo-Balla-Soffici, 1914 Turin, Galleria Civica Arte Moderna, Giacomo Balla, 1963, no. 71 Turin, Galleria Martano, Balla, 1974, no. 12bis, illustrated in the catalogue Venice, Palazzo Grassi, Futurismo e futurismi, 1986, illustrated in the catalogue (as dating from 1913) Barcelona, Museo Picasso, Futurismo, 1909-1916, 1996, no. 13, illustrated in color in the catalogue Turin, Palazzo Bricherasio, Luci del Mediterraneo, 1997, illustrated in color in the catalogue Genova, Palazzo Ducale & Milan, Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta, Futurismi, I grandi temi, 1997-98, no. 1/11, illustrated in color in the catalogue Lausanne, Fondation de l’Hermitage, Futurisme, L’Italie face à la modernité, 1998, illustrated in color in the catalogue (as dating from 1913-14) Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Marcel Proust, 1999-2000, illustrated in color in the catalogue Hannover, Sprengel Museum, Der LARM der Strasse, 2001, no. 22, illustrated in color in the catalogue Basel, Musée Tinguely, 2001 Deutsches Historisches Museum, Die Zweite Schöpfung, 2002, illustrated in color in the catalogue Vienna, Futurismus, Radikale Avantgarde, 2003-04, no. 2, illustrated in color in the catalogue Brussels, Musée d'Ixelles, Futurismo, 2003-04, illustrated in color in the catalogue Madrid, El Museo de arte Thyssen-Bornemisza, 1914! The Avant-Garde and the Great War, 2008 Milan, Palazzo Reale, Balla la modernità futurista, 2008, no. II. 28, illustrated in color in the catalogue (titled Dinamismo + dispersion) Lugano, Museo Cantonale d'Arte, 2009


Joshua C. Taylor, Futurism, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1961, illustrated p. 64 (as dating from 1913) Maria Drudi Gambillo & Teresa Fiori, Archivi del futurismo, vol. II, Rome, 1962, no. 81, illustrated p. 85 M. Calvesi, "Il futurismo," L'Arte Moderna, Vol. 5, Milan, 1967, no. 40, illustrated p. 160 Giovanni Lista, Balla, Modena, 1982, no. 316, illustrated p. 198 (as dating from 1913) Ada Masoero, "Si ritorna al "Futurismus," Il Sole, 24 Ore, Milan, May 18, 2003, illustrated p. 40 I Futuristi, Florence & Milan, 2004, no. 3, illustrated p. 53 (as dating from 1913) Christine Poggi, Inventing Futurism, The Art and Politics of Artificial Optimism, Princeton & Oxford, 2009, fig. 1.13, illustrated p. 29


Hon. Pietro Campilli, Rome & Paris (acquired from the artist and until at least 1961) Galerie Tarica, Paris (acquired in the 1970s) Acquired from the above by the present owners



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( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


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