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Lot Details

Saint Rufina by 
																	Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez

Saint Rufina




oil on canvas

Size Notes:

with approx. 3 by 6 cm. tacking edge folded out


Leeds, Dudley Gallery, National Exhibition of Works of Art, 1868, no. 2911, as Murillo (on loan from the Earl of Dudley); London, Royal Academy, Exhibition of the Works of the Old Masters, 1871, no. 384, as Murillo (on loan from the Earl of Dudley); New London, Lyman Allyn Museum, Spanish Paintings of the XVI to XX centuries, 7 March - 11 April 1948, no. 11, as Murillo; Buenos Aires, Museo Municipal de Arte Hispano Americano, Exposición de Obras Maestras Siglo XII al XVII, May - July 1951, no. 23, as Murillo, Saint Justa; Rome, Fondazione Memmo, Velázquez, 30 March - 30 June 2001, as attributed to Velázquez, but with the attribution to Velázquez fully endorsed by the exhibition curator Felipe Garín in an addenda on p. 182 of the catalogue.


Possibly recorded in an original fragmentary inventory of the collections of the 6th and 7th Marqueses del Carpio (now lost); Possibly recorded in a transcription of the original Carpio inventory made in around 1802, formerly in the archives of the Duques de Alba (now lost); Listed in an inventory drawn up following the death of Don Sebastián Martínez in 1800; Listed in an inventory of the collection of Don Fernando Casado de Torres (date unknown); Listed in an inventory of the collection of Don Celestino García Fernandez in 1844; Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens...de M. Le Mis de Salamanca, auction catalogue, Charles Pillet, Paris, 3-6 June 1867, lot 35, p. 27; National Exhibition of Works of Art, exhibition catalogue, Leeds 1868, p. 298, no. 2911, as hung in the Central (Dudley) Gallery; Exhibition of the Works of the Old Masters, exhibition catalogue, London 1871, p. 34, no. 384, as hung in the Lecture Room; W.B. Scott, Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting, 1873, p. 101, as Murillo; C.B. Curtis, Velasquez and Murillo, 1883, p. 257, no. 361, as Murillo, St. Justa; Masters in Art, October 1900, part X, I, p. 35, as Murillo; Possibly A.M. de Barcia, Catálogo de la Colección de Pinturas del Excmo. Sr. Duque de Berwick y de Alba, 1911, p. 245, under appendix, as Velázquez, Saint Rufina; A. Graves, A Century of Loan Exhibitions 1813 - 1912, London 1913, vol. II, p. 844, under 1868, no. 2911, and p. 845, under 1871, no. 384; A.L. Mayer, 'El Arte español en el Extranjero. Tres Cuadros Interestantes Desconocidos', in Arte Español, 1930, p. 118; The International Studio, June 1931, p. 6, illustrated on the front cover, as possibly by Velázquez; A.L. Mayer, Velázquez, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Pictures and Drawings, 1936, p. 12, no. 47, as a lost work; Lyra, September - October 1948, pp. 61-62, illustrated on the front cover; Exposición de Obras Maestras Siglo XII al XVII, Colección Paula de Koenigsberg, exhibition catalogue, Buenos Aires, Museo Municipal de Arte Hispano Americano, May - July 1951, p. 19, cat. no. 23, reproduced plate XI, as Murillo, Saint Justa; J.M. Pita Andrade, 'Mazo que poseyó El Séptimo Marqués Del Carpio', in Archivo Español de Arte, XXV, 1952, p. 223, note 1; J.M. Pita Andrade, 'Notícias en Torno a Velázquez en el Archivo de la Casa de Alba', in Varia Velázquez, 1960, I, p. 413; J. López-Rey, Velázquez, A Catalogue Raisonné of his Oeuvre, 1963, pp. 137-38, no. 51; J. Camón Aznar, Velázquez, 1964, vol. I, p. 228, and vol. II, p. 996; E. Benezit, Dictionaire des Peintres Sculpteurs Dessinateurs et Graveurs, 1966, vol. V, p. 282, as Murillo Santa Justa; P.M. Bardi, L'opera completa di Velázquez, Milan 1969, p. 114; D. Angulo Iñiguez, Murillo, Catálogo Crítico, 1981, vol. II, p. 518, no. 2.258, under 'Obras Discutibles', as Santa Justa; P. Cherry, Spanish Old Master Paintings, Including Velázquez's Saint Rufina, auction catalogue, New York, Christie's, 29 January 1999, pp. 52-56, lot 206; A.E. Pérez Sánchez, 'Novedades Velazqueñas', in Archivo Español de Arte, Madrid 1999, no. 287, pp. 372-90 (especially pp. 380-84), reproduced p. 381, figure 9; J. Brown, 'Velázquez y lo velazqueño: los problemas de las atribuciones', in Boletín del Museo del Prado, vol. XVIII, no. 36, 2000, pp. 51-69 (especially pp. 59-67), reproduced p. 61, as Velázquez (?); S. Salort & F. Garín, Velázquez, exhibition catalogue, Rome, Fondazione Memmo, 2001, pp. 182-85, reproduced, as attributed to Velázquez, but with the attribution to Velázquez fully endorsed by Felipe Garín in the addenda to p. 182.


Possibly Don Luis Méndez de Haro y Guzmán, 6th Marqués del Carpio (1598 - 1661), as Velázquez, Saint Rufina; Possibly Don Gaspar Méndez de Haro y Guzmán, 7th Marqués de Eliche y Carpio (1629 - 1687), as Velázquez, Saint Rufina; Don Sebastián Martínez (1747-1800), Cadiz, in whose posthumous inventory recorded by 1805, as Saint Justa (artist not given), valued at 1,500 reales; By direct descent in 1800 to his daughter Doña Catalina Martínez; From whom acquired by, or by whom given to, her brother-in-law Don Fernando Casado de Torres, as Velázquez, Saint Justa, valued at 5.000 reales by Don Juan de Rivera (date unknown); Don Celestino García Fernández, in whose collection recorded in an inventory of 1844, Saint Justa (not recorded if artist given), valued at 10.000 reales by Don José de Madrazo; Don José de Salamanca y Mayol, Marqués de Salamanca and 1st Conde de Llanos (1811 - 1883); By whom sold Paris, Charles Pillet (commissaire-priseur), 3-6 June 1867, lot 35, as Velázquez, Saint Clare, for 38.000 francs, to Cooke (on behalf of Lord Dudley); In the collection of William Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley and Viscount Ednam (1817 - 1885), by 1868, as Murillo, Saint Justa; By direct descent to William Humble Ward, 2nd Earl of Dudley and Viscount Ednam (1867 - 1932), as Murillo, Saint Justa; His sale, 'The Property of The Right Hon. Viscount Ednam, M.C.', London, Christie's, 17 July 1925, lot 143, as B.E. Murillo, Saint Justa, for 950 guineas to Leggatt; With Scott and Fowles, New York; Mr and Mrs Joseph J. Kerrigan, by June 1931; With Knoedler's, New York; In the collection of Mrs Esther Slater, Oyster Bay, Long Island; By whom sold New York, Parke-Bernet, 22 April 1948, lot 17, as Murillo, Saint Justa, for $8,000; In the collection of Paula de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires, by 1951; Private collection, Brasil, from whence sold, 'The Property of a Private Collector', New York, Christie's, 29 January 1999, lot 206, for $8,912,500 (approx. £5,415,600), whence acquired by the present owner.



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Fernando Botero

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Piero Manzoni

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( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


Pieter Brueghel

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Andy Warhol

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