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Church in Alupka by 
																	Aristarkh Lentulov

Aristarkh Lentulov

( Russian, 1882 - 1943 )

Church in Alupka




oil on canvas


28.35 in. (72.00 cm.) (height) by 20.47 in. (52.00 cm.) (width)


Moscow, 11 Bolshaia Dmitrovka, Bubnovyi Valet [Jack of Diamonds], 6 November-19 December 1916, no. 109. Petrograd, Khudozhestvennoe biuro N. E. Dobychinoi [Art salon of N. E. Dobychina], Vystavka sovremennoi russkoi zhivopisi [Exhibition of Contemporary Russian Painting], 27 November 1916-1 January 1917, no. 132. Moscow, Vserossiiskii Kooperativnyi Soiuz Rabotnikov Izobrazitel'nykh Iskusstv [All-Russian Cooperative Union of Artists], Vystavka kartin A. V. Lentulova organizovannaia k 25-letiu khudozhestvennoi deiatel'nosti 1908-1933 [Exhibition of paintings by A. V. Lentulov to commemorate 25 years of his artistic career], 1933, no. 63. Moscow, Dom Khudozhnika [The House of Artists], Aristarkh Lentulov, December 1971. Cologne, Museum Ludwig, Russische Kunst aus der Sammlung Semjonow, 28 March-26 May 1980. Cologne, Galerie Gmurzynska, Sieben Moskauer Künstler/Seven Moscow artists 1910-1930, 12 April-15 July 1984. Esslingen am Neckar, Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar, Russische Kunst des XX Jahrhunderts. Sammlung Semjonow, 9 June-15 July 1984. Moscow, Tsentral'nyi dom khudozhnika [The Central House of Artists], Aristarkh Lentulov 1882-1943: Zhivopis/Grafika/Teatr [Paintings/Drawings/Theatre designs], 1987, no. 81.


Exhibition catalogue, Bubnovyi Valet [Jack of Diamonds], Moscow, 1916, listed p. 7 as Etud tserkvi [Study of a church], no. 109. Exhibition catalogue, Vystavka sovremennoi russkoi zhivopisi [Exhibition of Contemporary Russian Painting], Petrograd, 1916, listed p. 7 as Etud tserkvi [Study of a church], no. 132. Exhibition catalogue, I. Khvoinik and A. Skortsov, Vystavka kartin A. V. Lentulova organizovannaia k 25-letiu khudozhestvennoi deiatel'nosti 1908-1933 [Exhibition of paintings by A. V. Lentulov to commemorate 25 years of his artistic career], Moscow, 1933, listed p. 27, no. 63. M. Lentulova, Khudozhnik Aristarkh Lentulov [The Artist Aristarkh Lentulov], Moscow, 1969, listed p. 132. Exhibition catalogue, M. Lentulova and E. Chlenova, Aristarkh Lentulov, Moscow, 1971, listed p. 39. Exhibition catalogue, Russische Kunst aus der Sammlung Semjonow, Cologne, 1980, illustrated p. 31, listed p. 28, incorrectly dated and titled as 1914/1915, Kathedrale in Nishni Nowgorod. Exhibition catalogue, Sieben Moskauer Künstler/Seven Moscow artists 1910-1930, Cologne, 1984, illustrated p. 197, listed p. 196. Exhibition catalogue, Russische Kunst des XX Jahrhunderts. Sammlung Semjonow, Esslingen am Neckar, 1984, illustrated p. 65. Exhibition catalogue, Aristarkh Lentulov 1882-1943: Zhivopis/Grafika/Teatr [Paintings/Drawings/Theatre designs], Moscow, 1987, illustrated p. 45, listed p. 68, no. 81. E. Murina and S. Dzhafarova, Aristarkh Lentulov, Moscow, 1990, illustrated p. 63, listed p. 264, no. 63.


The artist's daughter, Marianna Lentulova. Acquired from the above by Aleksandr Miasnikov, Moscow. Vladimir Semenov, Moscow. Galerie Gmurzynska. Acquired from the above by the present owner.



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