white marble, on a white marble socle
20.87 in. (53.00 cm.) (height)
London, Royal Academy of Arts, Somerset House,. The Forty-Ninth Exhibition , 13 June 1817, no. 1030
The Exhibition of the Royal Academy: The Forty-Ninth , exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, Somerset House, London, 1817, p. 46, no. 1030;. L. Cicognara,. Biografia di Antonio Canova : aggiuntivi I. II catalogo completo delle opere del Canova, II. Un saggio delle sue lettere familiari, III. La storia della sua ultima malattia scritta dal dott. Paola Zannini , Venice, 1823, p. 65 (1814, 'della Pace, per mylord Cawdor a Londra'; 'Peace, for my Lord Cawdor, London');. M. Missirini,. Della vita di Antonio Canova , Libri quattro, Prato, 1824, p. 222 ('Fra li busti ideali si annoverano … per lord cawdor a londra il busto della pace'; 'Among these Ideal Busts are … for Lord Cawdor in London the Bust of Peace');. J. S. Memes,. Memoires of Antonio Canova with a Critical Analysis of his Works and an Historical View of Modern Sculpture , Edinburgh, 1825, pp. 576, 1876 (1814. 'Peace, for Lord Cawdor');. A. Graves,. The Royal Academy of Arts: a complete dictionary of contributors and their work from its foundation in 1769 to 1904 , London, 1906, p. 388, no. 1030;. G. Pavanello,. L'opera completa del Canova , Milan, 1976, p. 123;. T. Clifford, H. Honour, J. Kenworthy-Browne, Iain Gordon Brown and A. Weston-Lewis,. The Three Graces , exh. cat. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1995, pp. 11, 89 ('a. Bust of Peace (1814, delivered in 1816, now lost)');. I. Roscoe, E. Hardy and M. G. Sullivan,. A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851 , New Haven and Yale, 2009, p. 192, no. 30. Letters and other entries Canova to Quatremère de Quincy, 17 August 1814 published in A. Canova and Quatremère de Quincy, Canova et ses ouvrages … Paris, 1834, p. 389; see also G. Cunial, M. Pavan and M. Guderzo, Antonio Canova: Museum and Gipsoteca, Possagno , 2009, p. 252: Canova mentions the completion of the marble 'statue of Peace' which logically must refer to the present bust since Lord Cawdor had seen Canova 'working on the Peace' on 25 January 1815 (Carmarthenshire Record Office: Cawdor box 244: Lord Cawdor's travel journal, October 1814-July 1815). Canova subsequently wrote to Graf Gustav Ernst von Stackelberg (1766-1850), Russian Ambassador to Vienna, on 19 May 1815, announcing the completion of the full figure marble statue, see I. Artemieva, La Pace di Antonio Canova , in G. Pavanello (ed.), S. Androsov, I. Artemieva and M. Guderzo, Antonio Canova. Disegni e dipinti del Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa e della Gipsoteca di Possagno presentati all'Ermitage , Milan, 2001, pp. 65-66; Cawdor to Canova, 29 March 1815 , unpublished, Museo Civico Bassano del Grappa, Manoscritti Canovani III 254/2601: Cawdor discusses the transportation of the Bust of Peace and the Hebe to London; . Cawdor to Canova, Castle Howard, Yorkshire, 20 December 1815 , unpublished, Museo Civico Bassano del Grappa, Manoscritti Canovani III 254 / 2595: Cawdor asks further questions regarding the delivery of the Hebe and the Bust of Peace to London; . Canova to Cawdor, Rome, 6 March 1816 , published in H. Honour (ed.), Epistolario (1816-1817) , Salerno, 2003, pp. 127-128, no. 108: Canova outlines that he is awaiting the arrival of the English ship which will transport the Hebe , the Bust of Peace , a portrait and prints. Canova then announces that he has dedicated a print of Venus Victrix to Cawdor; . Canova to Cawdor, Rome, 8 July 1816 , published in H. Honour (ed.), Epistolario (1816-1817) , Salerno, 2003, p. 322, no. 295: Canova confirms that the ship Abundantia , having delivered Roman statues taken to Paris by Napoleon, has been loaded with the Hebe , the Bust of Peace , and a crate of books, together with many gesso works which have been sent to the British Government from the Pope. Canova laments that a slight darkening has appeared on the upper lip of the Peace , which he says has spoiled the gentle expression. He begs Cawdor's apology; . Canova to Cawdor, Rome, 13 July 1816 , published in H. Honour (ed.), Epistolario (1816-1817) , Salerno, 2003, pp. 323-324, no. 297: Canova confirms the details given in the letter of 8 July 1816, and adds that he has added a statue of a Nymph which had been commissioned by Cawdor but is destined for the Prince Regent, Cawdor having relinquished his claim; . Cawdor to Canova, Longleat, Wiltshire, 10 September 1816 , Museo Civico Bassano del Grappa, Manoscritti Canovani III 254 / 2596; published in H. Honour (ed.), Epistolario (1816-1817) , Salerno, 2003, pp. p. 429, no. 377: Effusive, Cawdor says that he waits impatiently for the arrival of the Hebe and the Bust of Peace ; . Cawdor to Canova, London, 13 June 1817 , Museo Civico Bassano del Grappa, Manoscritti Canovani III 254/2597; published in H. Honour (ed.), Epistolario (1816-1817) , Salerno, 2003, pp. 856-858: Cawdor describes the Royal Academy exhibition. He says that the Hebe met with universal admiration. However, he laments the placement of the Bust of Peace , on a site with poor light. He says that neither of the best sites in the room are good for sculpture. . Ledger of Sir Francis Chantrey, 130 : Chantrey records the packing and transporting of Peace from the RA to Lord Cawdor at a cost of 7s 9d
John Campbell, 1st Baron Cawdor (1753-1821), early 1815;. John Campbell, 1st Baron Cawdor, and Lady Isabella Caroline Campbell, née Howard (1771-1848), eldest daughter of Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle (1748-1825), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. John Frederick Campbell, 1st Earl Cawdor (1790-1860), and Elizabeth Campbell, Countess Cawdor, née Thynne (d. 1866), daughter of Thomas Thynne, 2nd Marquess of Bath (1765-1837), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. John Frederick Vaughan Campbell, 3rd Earl Cawdor (1817-1898), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. Frederick Archibald Vaughan Campbell, 2nd Earl Cawdor (1847-1911), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. Hugh Frederick Vaughan Campbell, 4th Earl Cawdor (1870-1914), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. John Duncan Vaughan Campbell, 5th Earl Cawdor (1900-1970), Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire, Wales;. his sale, Stackpole Court and Golden Grove, Strutt & Parker, Lofts and Warner, 19-21 November 1962, lot 556 ('A white marble bust of a lady with oak leafage bandeau, and another of a lady wearing a diadem, 21in. high' [the present bust being the latter]);. Bonhams Knightsbridge, 20 March 2012, lot 395;. private collection, United Kingdom