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Christ Carrying The Cross by 
																	Andrea Solario

Andrea Solario

( Italian, 1460 - 1522 )

Christ Carrying The Cross




tempera and oil on panel, transferred to canvas


20.31 in. (51.60 cm.) (height) by 20.51 in. (52.10 cm.) (width)


signed and dated upper left: AD. MEDIOLANES./.F./.1505.


London, Heim Gallery, Recent Acquisitions in Paintings and Sculpture, 12 June - 31 August 1967, no. 2; Warsaw, The Royal Castle, Opus Sacrum, 10 April – 23 September 1990, no. 18; Vaduz, Liechtensteinische Staatliche Kunstsammlung, Opus Sacrum, 15 February – 30 September 1991, no. 18.


G. Vasari (ed. G. Milanesi), Le Vite de'più eccellenti Architetti, Pittori, et Scultori, vol. VII, Florence 1851, p. 104 ft; G. Calvi, Notizie sulla vite e sulle opere dei principale architetti scultore e pittori che fiorirono in Milano durante il governo die Visconti e degli Sforza, vol. II, Milan 1865, p. 273; G. Morelli, Della pittura italiana. Studii storico-critici. Le Gallerie Borghese e Doria Pamphili in Roma, Milan 1897; G. Morelli, 'Die Galerien Roms. I. Die Galerie Borghese', in Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst, vol. IX, 1874, p. 252; G. Morelli, Die Werke italienischen Meister in der Galerien von München, Dresden, und Berlin. Ein Kritischer Versuch, Leipzig 1880, p. 75, ft. 1; L. Malvezzi, Le Glorie dell'Arte Lombardo, Milan 1882, p. 193; G. Morelli, Kunstkritische Studien über italieni Malerei. Die Galerien Borghese und Doria Panfili in Rom, Leipzig 1890, pp. 217, 220; J.A. Crowe and G.B. Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in North Italy, vol. II, London 1912, p. 377 ft. 1; K. Badt, Andrea Solario. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte der Lombardei, Leipzig 1914, pp. 37-38, ft. 1, 216; L. Cogliati Arano, Andrea Solario, Milan 1965, p. 95; 'Notable Works of Art now on the Market', in The Burlington Magazine, 1967, reproduced plate VI; Recent Acquisitions in Paintings and Sculpture, exhibition catalogue, London 1967, no. 2, p. 5, fig. 2; D.A. Brown, Andrea Solario, Milan 1987, pp. 13, 86, 135, 143, 238, 242, no. 20, fig. 65; D.A. Brown, in J. Grabski ed., Opus Sacrum, exhibition catalogue, Vienna 1990, pp. 124-129, no. 20; Advertisment, 'La Cronique des Arts', in Gazette des Beaux Arts, vol. CXVII, April 1991, pp. 13-14, fig. 13.


Francesco Galgani, Siena, by 1851 until sometime before 1890; The ex-Galgani painting is possibly identical with the one on the same theme, said to be Solario when it was offered to the Louvre on July 22, 1938;1. This work, from Grenoble Collection, measuring 48 by 51 cm, was stated to have once belonged to the Milanese dealer Baslini; With Heim Gallery, London, 1967; Private Collection, 1981; Jozef Grabski, Vienna, 1983, whence acquired by the present owner.



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