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Artist Profile Details

Roy Minshew

(American , b. 1950 )

Minshew was born in southern Georgia on February 28, 1950. He entered the U.S.Air Force as soon as he graduated from high school. After serving in the Air Force, he had various jobs including being a fireman, sheet metal fabricator, trucker, machinist, and shoe repairman. The custom leather work involved in repairing shoes was the catalyst that gave initial shape to Minshew’s creative energy.

When his job at the shoe repair shop ended, he decided to pursue art as a career. He set up shop and began doing production carvings to ship all over the world. This occurred from January l987 until June of l989. He eventually became frustrated because he felt he was no longer doing anything creative. He began working at various jobs again including moving and setting up mobile homes.

In June of 1989, Minshew began working creatively again making one-of-a kind pieces that give shape to his philosophy of life and art. In l990, he had a great set back and lost the sight in one of his eyes. The doctors discovered that he had diabetes. With surgery in l991 and treatment for his illness, he regained his sight. Another health setback was a poisonous spider bite which nearly caused a foot to be amputated and continues to be a chronic problem.

Today, Minshew carves in wood and does occasional small acrylic paintings on canvas. He carves many animals, especially expressive dogs that are very special to him. He is also known for creating goats, horses and pigs, ranging in size from one to five feet. They are done with great imagination and show his love for and knowledge of animals. Minshew’s painted carvings show a wry sense of humor and at times have religious and political themes.

Marcia Weber interview with Roy Minshew, 2000

(with adaptations from Betty-Carol Sellen in Self Taught, Outsider, and Folk Art)

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Roy Minshew

(American , b. 1950 )


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Roy Minshew

(American , b. 1950 )