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Artist Profile Details

Clare Leeuwin-Clark

(Australian )

I have only every wanted to be a painter. As a young person, going to art school, I had a great passion to paint but not really very much to say. Abstract Expressionism and the right of a painting to exist independantly of objects was my chosen area of study. It was a great place to start. When I left art school and moved to the country I saw Fred William's paintings everywhere. The landscape was so beautiful - I needed to find a way of putting it down. Everything I looked at was fresh and new and I wanted to describe it. My paintings became more and more objective as my needs changed. This has continued as I revel in painting images that describe situations, places and people that I am moved by. I really love the camaraderie of a shared experience. My aim is to create beautifully crafted, narrative pictures that trigger a response with fellow travellers. My subject matter is enormously varied. Often things glimpsed and unrelated and unlooked for. Sometimes poignant, sometimes whimsical, or just down right funny. My paintings are pointers that mark the journey of my life. They are usually single paintings that may find partners much later. One at a time is usually enough. However, my Abstract Expressionism days have not been forgotten. I will always love oil paint and its sensual lusciousness. It is important to me that my paintings have energy. I want them to look spontaneous, relaxed and unforced. Loose brushstrokes, seemingly free. The best things always look easy. www.clareleeuwinclark.com.au/index.php/biography

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Clare Leeuwin-Clark

(Australian )


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Clare Leeuwin-Clark

(Australian )