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Espagnole à la mantille (Version I) by 
																	Pablo Gargallo

Pablo Gargallo

( Spanish, 1881 - 1934 )

Espagnole à la mantille (Version I)




cut and shaped iron with dark brown patina

Size Notes:

excluding the rectangular base




Barcelona, Sala Parés, Gargallo, Exposició d'Escultures, December 1934. Barcelona, Sala Parés, Exposició d'Homenatge a l'escultor Pau Gargallo, January - February 1935. Madrid, Museo de Arte Moderno, Pablo Gargallo, Escultor, Exposición póstuma de sus obras, March 1935. New York, Galerie René Gimpel, A Memorial Exhibition of Iron Sculptures by Pablo Gargallo, December 1936 - January 1937, no. 3 (titled 'L'espagnole'). Paris, Jardins du Petit Palais, Exposition d'un ensemble de sculptures de Gargallo, May 1947. Massachusetts, Brandeis University, Cubist Sculpture, October 1961; this exhibition later travelled to Pennsylvania, Allentown Art Museum, November - December 1961; Michigan, Hackley Art Gallery, January 1962; North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Ackland Art Centre, February 1962; and Michigan, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, April - May 1962. Duisburg, Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum der Stadt, Gargallo, November - December 1966, no. 60 (illustrated; titled 'Spanierin'). Paris, Musée Rodin, Pablo Gargallo, April - June 1970, no. 72 (illustrated). Madrid, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Gargallo, 1881-1934, October - November 1971, no. 55, p. 33 (illustrated p. 83); this exhibition later travelled to Barcelona, Palau de la Virreina, December 1971 - January 1972. Paris, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, Pablo Gargallo, 1881-1934, December 1980 - March 1981, no. 91 (illustrated; dated '1929-1930'); this exhibition later travelled to Barcelona, Palau de la Virreina, April - May 1981, no. 102, p. 182 (illustrated p. 142; dated '1929-1930'). Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Fondation Maeght, Sculpture du XXe siècle, 1900-1945, Tradition et ruptures, July - October 1981, no. 81, p. 106 (illustrated p. 104). Madrid, Palacio de Cristal, Gargallo, October - November 1981, no. 157, p. 160 (illustrated pp. 86 & 160). Paris, Artcurial, Les noces catalanes, Barcelone-Paris, 1870-1970, May - July 1985, no. 63, p. 106 (illustrated p. 57; medium stated as 'copper'). Barcelona, Fundació Caixa Catalunya, Gargallo, October 2006 - January 2007; this exhibition later travelled to Zaragoza, La Lonja, February - April 2007, no. 77, p. 294 (illustrated p. 189; medium stated as 'copper'). San Sebastián, Sala de Kubo Kutxa, Pablo Gargallo, July - September 2007, p. 72 (illustrated p. 73). Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofi´a, La Noche Española, Flamenco, Vanguardia y Cultura Popular 1865-1939, December 2007 - March 2008.


P. Courthion & P. Anguera-Gargallo, Pablo Gargallo, L'oeuvre complet, Milan, 1973, no. 132, p. 154 (illustrated). P. Gargallo-Anguera, Pablo Gargallo, catalogue raisonné, Paris, 1998, no. 174, p. 182 (illustrated; medium stated as 'copper').


Dr Nahas, Paris. Private collection, Paris, by 1960. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, by 1971. Artcurial, Paris. Acquired from the above on 6 June 1986.



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